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Amelia Henly


My passion is to empower people to get a new voice, motivating learners from around the world to feel proud of their accent and learn how to communicate more effectively and fluently in English. I want your voice to be heard!

I love teaching and learning which has been translated in more than twenty years as a teacher. My experience has been in various settings between Peru and the UK, working with learners from different backgrounds and all ages.

I am a Speaker of Other Languages like you,  hence I am proud of communicating clearly and effectively and guiding people that want to improve their pronunciation with effective, impactful techniques I have learned and applied in my personal life and in the classroom.

I know how it feels, I have been there…

I hold a B.Ed in Modern Languages with a mention in English As a Second Language and Spanish. I am also a Cambridge CELTA qualified teacher and a long-life learner that never stops learning.

Hope you enjoy being part of the TCT Community!

Professional Credentials


  • CELTA Certificate. University of Cambridge 
  • Teaching Knowledge Test. University of Cambridge
  • CAE. University of Cambridge

Education background

  • Degree in Modern Languages. University of San Marcos
  • Primary Teaching Degree. Diego Thomson Institute 

Professional Experience

  • Founder of The Community Teacher Pronunciation School
  • ESOL Tutor at New College Swindon
  • ESOL and Spanish Volunteer for the ESOL Conversation Clubs and The University of the Third Age in Bristol, UK
  • Teacher of English Language for over ten years in Lima, Peru
  • Classroom Teacher for ten years in Primary Schools in Lima, Peru